“I took my daughter to see Diana for a session of EFT and to talk about the things that are and have been worrying her, as she had become very anxious throughout this past year of the pandemic. It’s most definitely helped her speaking to Diana about nutrition and the importance of that, its reconfirmed everything that I’ve been telling her which is a great help!

What a difference the EFT has made already!  I recently bought her a weighted blanket as I’d been researching those for a while and this and the tapping you did on her and taught her in the session, has made such a positive impact already. The last 3 nights she has gone to bed, no electronics before bed and she’s completed her tapping and slept soundly which has then improved her whole wellbeing as a result.

Thank you so much.  I’ve been so impressed by the improvement I have mentioned it to a very close friend of mine as she is having similar difficulties with her son.”