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Spinach and Lemon Soup
  1. Sweat the onion until soft in the coconut oil.
  2. Stir in the potato, zest of lemon and the chicken stock and simmer until the potato is very soft.
  3. When the potato is cooked through, stir in the spinach leaves and lemon juice.
  4. Blend in a liquizer and add the lemon juice. Season.

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Olive & Herb Foccacia Bread

I absolutely love making bread – it is incredibly therapeutic and the kneaded dough is very satisfying! This loaf seems to feed loads of people and is ideal for a party. Also, if you grow your own herbs, take a trot round the garden and try out various – marjoram, oregano, basil, sage, rosemary, thyme are all my favourites. I also tend to rummage through my cupboards to see what else I can add, like sundried tomatoes, capers, anchovies, olives…anything goes in my book!

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